We Visited the Nong Nooch Tropical Gardens Today....

12 November 2008, 11:11 pm

We Visited the Nong Nooch Tropical Gardens Today

We Visited the Nong Nooch Tropical Gardens Today....

The gardens are so beautiful. One of the finest palm gardens in the entire world, over 500 palm species, and the animals seemed to be well-treated.

There have been some animal rights' activists who suggested we visit and do a story on the animals there. So, I decided to check up on the animals, and it seemes to me they were enjoying themselves. It really might be the only job they can get.

I have heard that there are over 10,000 unemployed elephants in Thailand.

The elephants demonstrated their agility and intelligence by carefully stepping over brave volunteers lying on the ground. The elephants played some basketball, painted for while, danced while walking only on their hind feet and more amazing tricks! Fed them some bananas, and they seemed happy!

We saw Thai kick-boxing, sword-fighting, and even a mock battle between warriors atop two elephants.  

Overall Nong Nooch was great to visit!!  Go visit Nong Nooch!  Get your picture taken with a tiger too...

Nong Nooch is located at 163 Sukhumvit Highway, Sarrahip, Chonburi 20250, Thailand.

Elephants are amazing!

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